WMT alumnus saves wife’s life

WMT is not known for Sun newspaper like headlines, but this seems appropriate. Alumnus Ian Nairn wrote to us and gave WMT permission to share this story and photo. These are Ian’s words:

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to the WMT Team, Harvey, Barry and the rest of the crew. Why? Well for the last 4 or so years I’ve been doing the WMT FFH & Advanced Medicine courses. I teach bushcraft and wilderness living skills all round the world. I’ve had to use some of the skills taught but just for minor injuries and ailments, never a life threatening situation – until last night.

And it wasn’t in some far flung corner of the world, it was in a restaurant with my wife Kara celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary.

My wife got a lump of steak stuck in her throat and couldn’t breath. Now being as she is, she was trying not to let anyone, including me, know until the last possible moment and by this time she couldn’t breathe or hold her breath any longer and so panic set in. I realised what was happening and swiftly moved to help her.

After some VERY strong back slaps and bending her over the back of a chair, the meat was dislodged and she was able to breathe again. After some calming down and a few tears she was fine.

I wanted to thank WMT because these guys gave me not only the skills but the professionalism to act swiftly and above all calmly without any panic. Even though it was my wife, who I couldn’t live without, I remained completely calm and professional during the incident. Customers and staff in the restaurant commented on how quickly and smoothly I performed.

So thanks WMT. Not only have you given me these skills, you have given me an anniversary present I will never forget. Medical emergencies don’t have to be far from help to be life threatening. 👍🏻

Ian and Kara Nairn celebrating with G&T post-choking incident

Very apt take home message. Thanks for sharing Ian – and happy anniversary from WMT!